Simple Rice Noodle and Tofu Stir-Fry

 §  200g rice noodles
 §  3 carrots, spiralised
 §  1 thinly sliced cucumber
 §  1 cup chopped mushroom 
 §  3 carrots, spiralised
 §  1/4 cup coriander leaves
 §  1 cup rocket leaves
 §  200g dried tofu cubes
 §  1/2 onion thinly sliced
 §  1 teaspoon garlic
 §  1/2 fresh chilli
 §  1/3 cup tamari

 §  bake tofu at 200°C
 §  cook rice noodles according to packet directions
 §  sauté onion, chilli and garlic in a large pan until onions are just browning 
 §  add spiralised carrots, cucumber and mushroom
 §  once vegetables are starting to soften add in rice noodles and cooked tofu
 §  cover mix with tamari and toss until well-covered
 §  finally add in coriander and rocket leaves - remove from heat and serve once rocket has wilted


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